Mortgage Servicer/ Sub-Servicer Operational Assessment and Loan Level ReviewReliable and timely servicer assessment boosts default management efficiency and effectiveness
In a continuously evolving mortgage environment, a division of a Top 5 U.S. bank needed to conduct a complete onsite servicer assessment to ensure that its servicing operations were running optimally.
As the regulatory environment surrounding mortgage servicing continues to evolve, investors/owners are more interested than ever in the ability of their select business partners to properly administer the servicing functions of their mortgage loan or MSR portfolios. The bank was looking to ensure that its servicing function was firing on all cylinders.
The bank reached out to Opus CMC to assess their servicer’s capabilities to operate within the constraints of its Service Level Agreements (SLA) and the ever-changing servicing environment.
Our team implemented a comprehensive mortgage due diligence solution.
- Conducted a thorough operational assessment of the servicing operations utilizing a servicer assessment tool and onsite review.
- Performed loan-level mortgage servicing reviews in eight designated areas identified by the client, testing for compliance with prudent servicing practices.
- Identified areas of potential operational risk relating to the servicing of the mortgage loan portfolio for the investors/owners
- Enhanced the investor’s relationship with their select business partner and mortgage loan sub-servicer.
Thanks to Opus CMC’s thorough and periodic mortgage servicing reviews, the client realized:
- Increased confidence in their business partner’s ability to effectively manage their loan portfolio
- The ability to quickly course correct and remedy potential operational as well as loan-level risk
- Thorough simultaneous servicing review of mortgage loans within the client’s focus areas
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